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centurion tank造句

"centurion tank"是什么意思  
  • British Centurion tanks were also deployed forward to support the Australians.
  • Henry Royce's last design was the Meteor powering the Centurion tank among others.
  • The 16th Light Cavalry was also equipped with Centurion tanks.
  • In December 1946 the regiment was the first use Centurion tanks in regular service.
  • The 17-pdr was briefly used on earlier marks of the Cromwell's successor-the Centurion tank.
  • After the 1967 war, the army was rearmed and more Centurion tanks were purchased.
  • One of these regiments, 3 Cavalry, fielded 45 Centurion tanks.
  • In 1972, Centurion tanks were reequipped with 105 mm guns.
  • Expecting further fighting, the Australians were subsequently reinforced with Centurion tanks and additional artillery.
  • During the 1960s, the brigade was equipped with British Centurion tanks modified in Israel.
  • It's difficult to see centurion tank in a sentence. 用centurion tank造句挺难的
  • Before the Leopard it was equipped with the Centurion tank.
  • The L9 gun was mounted on Royal Engineers Centurion tanks after the Second World War.
  • Ultimately, this resulted in the Centurion tank, and evolved into the main battle tank concept.
  • British tank design would go through another stage, the Comet, before developing the Centurion tank.
  • British tanks, the Centurion tank with Cromwell tanks for reconnaissance, arrived in Korea in late 1950.
  • To this end some 200 Centurion tanks were ordered, and the first were delivered in July 1952.
  • Two days later, in concert with artillery and Centurion tanks,'B'Company was involved in capturing a bunker complex.
  • To Brigadier squadron of Centurion tanks and additional Iroquois helicopters would also be added in early 1968.
  • As part of the deal during the early 1960s, Israel purchased second-hand Centurion tanks from the United Kingdom.
  • The older Centurion tank and M-48A5 series are phased out, as the Challenger and M-60A3 undergo further upgrades.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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